Responsible for the content, concept, realization and web design:
Reno Sommerhalder
Box 853, Banff, AB, T1L 1A8, Canada
Tel: + 403 760 5048
Mail: reno@renosommerhalder.ch
Webdesign by R. Vaqué
The copyright for the entire website lies with Reno Sommerhalder. Contents may not be used or copied in any other context. All liability claims for information on this website are excluded. Logos and images can be different. Copying, using and changing the site content, even in parts, requires the written consent of Reno Sommerhalder.
Liability for third party links
Our website contains links to websites of other providers. We have no influence on their content. For this reason, we cannot assume any liability or guarantee for this third-party content. Only the provider or operator of the website is responsible for the content of the respective website. At the time a link was inserted, the relevant pages were checked for legal violations. At this point in time, no illegal content was discovered. For technical reasons it is impossible to regularly check all linked pages without concrete evidence of a legal violation. As soon as we become aware of a legal violation, we will delete the corresponding link immediately.